
05/25/2000 - 01/09/2016

pet memorial photo
  • Species:Cat
  • Owner:Jessica Bias

Neptune was the best companion I could ask for. She picked me right away. Neptune was the runt of the litter, could sit in my hand. She was named after the anime character Sailor Neptune, solider of compassion. And it fit her more than I could have guessed. Many times, she was my cuddle-kitty after a bad day. And she always met me at the door.

Neptune was very territorial when it came to me. She meowed anyone away if she thought that person was too close to me, including my own mother. She was a bed hog. Little bitty cat that took up most of a queen sized bed. I never thought I'd miss fighting over space in my own bed.

Neptune was part of my world. My heart aches everyday without her. But I imagine now she's running around outside, enjoying herself. She always loved laying in the sun.


Jeanne & Joanne Thompson said on: February 09, 2016 at 02:38 AM

So sorry for your loss. Neptune sounds like her personality far exceeded her size. I'm sure she's keeping an eye on you from her comfy spot in the sun.

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My Zoo Animal Hospital donated $10 on: January 14, 2016